Sign this letter to Keir Starmer: you can build a future free from homelessness
Sign this letter to Keir Starmer: you can build a future free from homelessness

Dear Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer:

A safe, stable home is the foundation of a healthy life—and a thriving Britain.

But right now, rising living costs and a shortage of truly affordable homes are pushing more of us into homelessness than ever before. And when we seek help, too many of us are being let down by overstretched, underfunded services that should protect us.

Successive governments have failed to fix this. Yours can be different. We believe you can end homelessness once and for all.

Record numbers of us are stuck for years in temporary accommodation that harms our health. Including over 164,000 children in England growing up in unsafe conditions, restricting life chances and trapping them in poverty.

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People are forced to sleep on friends’ sofas, fearing they’ve outstayed their welcome. And thousands of us are left to face the danger of sleeping on the streets.

So we, the undersigned, are calling on you to deliver a bold plan to end homelessness once and for all.

This means building social rent homes and raising housing benefit so people can afford their rent. It means ensuring that everyone can get the right support when they need it. 

And it means preventing homelessness before it happens by fixing our welfare system and making sure public services work together.

Your plan for change and tackling homelessness go hand in hand. 

You can build a country where we are healthier, our children do better in school, our communities are more stable, and more of us can achieve our full potential to support the economy to grow. 

Everyone needs the foundation of a secure home from which to build a healthy life. This is your chance to give us the real change we need.

A future free from homelessness starts now. Are you ready to lead the way?

Yours sincerely,

The undersigned

Dear Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer:

A safe, stable home is the foundation of a healthy life—and a thriving Britain.

But right now, rising living costs and a shortage of truly affordable homes are pushing more of us into homelessness than ever before. 

And when we seek help, too many of us are being let down by overstretched, underfunded services that should protect us.

Successive governments have failed to fix this. Yours can be different. We believe you can end homelessness once and for all.

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Record numbers of us are stuck for years in temporary accommodation that harms our health. Including over 164,000 children in England growing up in unsafe conditions, restricting life chances and trapping them in poverty.

People are forced to sleep on friends’ sofas, fearing they’ve outstayed their welcome. And thousands of us are left to face the danger of sleeping on the streets.

So we, the undersigned, are calling on you to deliver a bold plan to end homelessness once and for all.

This means building social rent homes and raising housing benefit so people can afford their rent. It means ensuring that everyone can get the right support when they need it.

And it means preventing homelessness before it happens by fixing our welfare system and making sure public services work together.

Your plan for change and tackling homelessness go hand in hand.

You can build a country where we are healthier, our children do better in school, our communities are more stable, and more of us can achieve our full potential to support the economy to grow.

Everyone needs the foundation of a secure home from which to build a healthy life. This is your chance to give us the real change we need.

A future free from homelessness starts now. Are you ready to lead the way?

Yours sincerely,

The undersigned

Who is in the photo?

Ray, Manoel and Isra are Experts by Experience. They’ve all experienced homelessness, from rough sleeping to spending years stuck in unsuitable temporary accommodation.

They’re coming together, with Crisis and you, to campaign for change.

Their experiences have helped shape this letter and our campaign to end homelessness once and for all.

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Your support means a lot to Crisis. Together we can do amazing things to end homelessness and transform lives.

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Who is in the photo?

Ray, Manoel and Isra are Experts by Experience. They’ve all experienced homelessness, from rough sleeping to spending years stuck in unsuitable temporary accommodation.

They’re coming together, with Crisis and you, to campaign for change.

Their experiences have helped shape this letter and our campaign to end homelessness once and for all.